Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 2010 - Could Be Worse

So, we are still out here boating but there are ongoing challenges. Last Monday, I decided to put a flag up on the mast but unfortunately when I drilled a hole to put a screw in I shorted out some wiring that was inside. The fire that developed was down inside the boat but the good news is that the fuel tanks didn't catch fire. However, tearing out all of the insulation and the damaged wood beams wasn't too good either. We hope the smoke smell is gone in a few months. Speaking of the fuel tanks, we think that the small buckets that we keep under the leaks in the rusty areas will work pretty well. We only have to empty them once a day and it's easy to just pour the fuel back into one of the main tanks.

We have been very careful about leaving the hatches open in the floor that go down to the engine room and the "hold" area under the salon. Linda has only stepped into an open hatch twice and the second time only required a quick visit to the ER to get her leg stitched up. They are very nice to people with insurance in Florida. Actually, much nicer than Linda is to people who leave hatches open.

I continue to get used to driving this boat. I have found that because the steering doesn't really work reliably, it is very effective to use high power forward and reverse to steer and control the boat. However, I have to be careful not to let the gearshifts stick like they did in Fort Pierce that resulted in some damage to a 65 foot sport fisherman. The owner was quite angry until he found out I have insurance. Don't I?

Florida is a wonderful place for swimming and we have been enjoying it immensely. Of course I should have remembered how shallow it is before diving in. I think the neck brace only has to be worn until mid August.

Most of you know that we sold our truck (my truck!) a couple of weeks ago. We were concerned about whether it would sell when we needed to get rid of it. Well it did! The only problem is that I got an envelope full of cash for it and I must have put it somewhere clever on the boat for safekeeping. Hmmm?

It's great to have a boat with a big generator (ours is a 12.5 kw - wow!). It will be even better when it runs.

We have met lots of really nice people on this trip. We are sure that our new friend that borrowed Linda's purse, our other computer and my new chartplotters while we were out for dinner last night will bring it all back soon.

Here is a picture of an osprey that we passed on the way to New Smyrna Beach. Right
after this picture, it flew up and made a fishy fecal bomb deposit on Linda. Boy was she mad until she realized what a unique experience it had been.

Speaking of birds, the picture below is of an island that is immediately up wind of where we are docked. There are dozens if not
hundreds of pelicans and herons roosting there all day and night. Although the smell is almost unbearable, it is almost like being on a Mutual Of Omaha show. Our neighbor got bombed last night while eating dinner. What luck!

As you can see, for every problem we have had, there is a corresponding good thing so we feel very fortunate. Boy are we having fun!

Hope you all have a great summer and we will be in touch.

Miss you all.

Keep your topsides up - Tod

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