Monday, June 28, 2010

7/1/10 - New Jersey Coast

Synopsis - We're in Ventor New Jersey and have gone a total of 1766 miles. All is well and we plan on continuing North. It's been HOT for months but it finally cooled off a

After going through Norfolk and Little Creek Va. as reported in my last blog, we went into the mighty Chesapeak Bay and into Yorktown. We tied up to the city dock which was a great location for soaking up a little US of A history. The picture below shows the Kingfisher (way to the left) from the beach in the center of Yorktown.

Yorktown is part of a National Parks area that includes Jamestown and Williamsburg. Yorktown was the site of the battle (Washington vs Cornwallis) that effectively ended the Revolutionary war. The guides like to say that the war was started in Boston but finished in Yorktown. Of course Jamestown is the the first colony and loaded with interesting history. Williamsburg is a well contrived place to separate tourists from their money. The picture at right shows Linda looking at the original Jamestown townsight.
I really liked Jamestown and Yorktown. Linda was a bit more of a fan of Williamsburg and here is a picture of one of the attractions.

Cruising up the Chesapeake was similar to some of the other areas we have been. It is big shallow water with a channel in the middle. Here is a
picture of one of the old lighthouses that are distributed up the Bay. I got stung by a jellyfish called "sea nettle" the first day in the Bay so we did very little swimming afterwards.

We were joined by Scott and Connie Neish in Solomons Maryland for some Chesapeake cruising. Here's a picture of Linda and Connie (left and right respectively) walking along the street in Solomons. (we wish!)
The second night out with them we anchored in Hudson Creek and ended up in the middle of a truly huge thunderstorm. There were literally hundreds of lightening strikes. Quite exciting. Scott and Connie headed home to Hawaii after we visited the Eastern Shore towns of Oxford and St Michaels and then came back West to Annapolis. Here is a picture of Scott doing something to both Linda and Connie that they seem to find enjoyable.

After Scott and Connie headed home, Linda and I did a little more Annapolis touring and saw a Navy wedding being set up (see picture below) and visited the crypt of John Paul Jones. He was a warrior and a patriot and I plan to read more about him
Then we went to the North end of the Bay and into the canal that connects the Chesapeake Bay to the Delaware Bay. We stayed over night in the the "C&D Canal" and went down the Delaware Bay the next day. It's kind of a pill. You run down the middle for eight hours and half the time you are out of the sight of land. To make matters worse, at my first engine check of the day I notice water coming out of the port engine oil cooler (about a gallon an hour). I got a mechanic to come help me in Wildwood New Jersey thinking it would be a big deal and probably delay us. However, he was able to stop it with some bailing wire and ceiling wax and said it should be good for a couple of days. Sounds good to me. We are working our way North along the New Jersey coast heading to New York City for the fourth of July if all works out.

Take care everyone and we miss you.

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