Friday, May 15, 2015

May 15, 2015 - Albany New York

  • ·      Location – Albany NY
  • ·      Latitude 42° 38.3 N & Longitude 73° 44.9 W
  • ·      Total Miles  - 180
  • ·      Stops since the last post - 

o   New York City
o   Haverstraw NY
o   Catskill NY
o   Kingston NY
o   Albany NY

Hello Friends and Family –

Since our last post, we have come north on the Hudson River 150 miles and have made four stops.  We are currently at the Albany Yacht club.  It is a hands on YC but they also have dockage for transient boats.  I feel like Tom Sawyer cruising on the river.  Of course he didn’t 760 horsepower or Linda to provide him with proper guidance.  Things are good on the boat but we still keep at the cleaning and minor repairs.  Every day we feel that the boat is more ours.  Every time we wash it, there are less of the previous owner’s molecules around and more of ours.

Our Ride to NYC 
In New York we stayed across from Manhattan in Jersey City because there was not as much wave action (read “rock the boat”) as on the New York side.  It was a great decision and right next to our really nice marina was a “Yellow Ferry” that went back and forth every half hour taking passengers to the city making sightseeing easy.  

At the MOMA - Can You Tell Which One is Me?
We also went to the MOMA, the Cooper Hewitt and the Whitney museums.  I liked the Cooper Hewitt best because it focused on really clever industrial product design. One exhibit was of the 50 iterations required to develop a simple scratch vaccination device.  We saw two Broadway plays; “A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder” and “An American in Paris”.  Unfortunately Gene Kelly wasn’t available to play the lead but it was still absolutely fantastic.  I love people watching and New York is the greatest.  What a bunch of weirdos.  

Times Square Tourists

4,000 Cadets Getting Ready for Lunch
We left NYC on May 7th and headed North.  The big excursion since then was visiting West Point.  We had great views from land and sea.  I don’t think I could have survived there because the beer ration is pretty tightly controlled and they are serious about studying.  

Stay Out of His Way!
Here are my impressions of cruising up the Hudson:
  • ·      The river is wide and the hills are majestic.
  • ·      There are big ships out here
  • ·      I wish I knew more of the history.
  • ·      The water is muddy.
  • ·      The tide is surprisingly significant (3-5 feet).
  • ·      North of NYC, things get more rural very quickly.

We are excited to take our next step on Sunday - transiting the Champlain Canal system and entering Lake Champlain.   Lots of locks but no more tides.  I’ll tell you about that in our next blog.

Tod and Linda C

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