Thursday, March 11, 2010

3/10/10 - Working on the Boat in St Pete

Stormy day today. It really blew and there were dark clouds all day. Luckily it didn't rain until about 6:00 and we were getting ready to quit for the day anyway. The power went off briefly several times and the hotel elevator died. We're on the 2nd floor so it isn't too bad.

I can't remember when I had a lifestyle that required me to shower at the end of each day instead of at the beginning. Boat prep is HARD work! Linda spent a long time down in the "hold" today trying to figure out how to paint the fuel tanks. There is only about 1.5 inches of room above the tanks and that is where all the rust is. We have concluded that they are quite thick and are probably OK even though they are UGLY. Hopefully paint will arrest further deterioration.

Bill did lots of trouble shooting including working on the old ice maker. If he can't figure it out it will be moving to the dumpster shortly.

I talked to the fellow who did most of the work on the boat over the last 5 years and learned many interesting things about the boat. I also started removing the zincs and found that the mounting bolts on some of them were really threaded rod and had come loose. This means they will require rebedding. Damn.

We lost our camera temporarily in the madness of trying to work on a boat (that has all of our junk stashed here and there) while we go back and forth to a hotel. We'll try and put a picture of the boat on the hard in the next posting.

Things are moving slowly but overall it was a good day and we are in good spirits.

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