Monday, March 15, 2010

3/15/10 - Working on the boat in St Pete

Hard to believe that we have only been gone for two weeks. It seems much longer (that sounds bad doesn't it?). We are well entrenched in working on the boat at Salt Creek Marina. Big Jim who runs the place is a fine fellow and very cooperative although not much has happened yet from them. Linda, Bill and I have been falling into a routine of shopping for supplies first thing in the morning and then spending the rest of the day until around 7:00 at the boat. Then it's home to the Hampton Inn and showers, dinner and bed. So far, here is a partial list of what we have done.
  1. General cleaning (needs much more)
  2. Removing the 10 zincs
  3. Removing all of the hoses on both engines and the generator (there are many and they are TOUGH to get off).
  4. Cleaning the raw water strainers including trying to remove all of the barnacles that lived inside (they smell great as they die!). Might have to replace the worst one.
  5. Removing both transmission coolers (need replacement)
  6. Removing the heat exchanger on the generator (corroded and needs servicing)
  7. Doing some bright work (varnishing - Linda of course).
  8. Rough cleaning the rust off the top of the fuel tanks in prep for treating and painting. See the photo
  9. Trouble shooting/repairing the four bilge pumps.
  10. Trying to trace many of the electrical circuits.
  11. Installing new filters in the water system.
Note that the items that say "removing" still need to be replaced. There are enough active jobs that little bags of parts are stashed all over the place and can get misplaced.

The photo is Linda as she was preparing to start work this morning on the fuel tanks. She wouldn't give me permission to take her picture at the end of the day - use your imagination.

Although there are lots of things that need doing (and it's hard for geezers to work hard), in general the boat is pretty easy to work on. One exception to this is the electrical and electronics wiring. There are THOUSANDS of wires running all over the place and none are really marked. Quite a challenge. Oh well.

I just asked Linda what she would like to express to you and she said "Tell em it's really hard". It's one thing to know it will be hard but a whole 'nother thing to experience it.

Although we haven't done any tourist stuff, we really like St Pete. The people are friendly, the weather is nice this time of year and prices are pretty cheap.

Hope everything is well with ya'll (hey, we're in Florida).

I still plan on doing a post on the first and the fifteenth of each month plus occasionally in-between.

Bye from Tod, Linda and Bill.


  1. Great report. At least you are making progress. Although I'm sure it seems overwhelming at times. How are you holding up physically? Be sure to stretch out a lot! Good luck

  2. Hi you guys! Your boat has some nice looking wood inside. Linda's looking good, too!

  3. I think I finally figured out how to post a comment. We typed a very long and witty comment, but unfortunately it got lost in ciberspace... Here I try again.

    Vivien says this is the boating she likes: watching somebody else doing all the work sitting in her living room. I cannot add more comments from Vivien (I forgot what she said last ime) because she went out shopping. I instead am delaying working on the tax return, so I have planty of time!

    Here in Seattle it is sunny, with cherry trees and daffodils in ful bloom. Lots of work in the garden (another reason for procrastinating..) An eagle just flew by.

    What an adventure. We enjoyed seeing Linda fully dressed like an Intel employee: quite impressive! Todd, you are right: we would like to see Linda at the end of the day with a more colorful attire. (Before shower) And of course show picture of all the crew, Bill included.

    How old is the boat? It seems it has quite a bit of corrosion ( or you are particularly fastidious...). Are the hull and engines OK? Have you had a sea trial yet? How long do you think it will take you to refurbish it to your standards?

    Have great fun and do not work too hard! We are delighted you are sharing you experience with us.

    Adriano and Vivien
